Coolier - 新生・東方創想話


2018/07/18 19:54:09


Ah Q:

Peter Pan disappeared first, the last word he left in a romantic hurry said he's chasing after an outdated bunny girl, and he, only his head was sent back to our camp tomorrow, an Alice failed to the Queen of Hearts in the trial. What a horrible pity, only a half of the playboy can no longer be with us honestly.

After that, there were seven bad men left.

I myself, had no doubt, had acted very largely under the influence of a pierrot, a girl doesn't look like a human nor a youkai. Not the clownish miko.
I need not describe closely how these two absences occurred. The natives will have been able to work that out quite easily. Autotomy is easily learned as a thief's skill. A fresh limp had been prepared before and I threw it down there where beasts may walk through, after I failed down the hill in a mess.

After that, there were six frauds left.

I may say that I looked on the zoo's faces during their fake search towards me and I had no doubt whatever, that one and all were guilty, hardly human anymore.
During recent works, I had been ordered a love potion at that store beyond my piggy bank. It had been easy for me, in no favor of alcohol nor opium to save money until I had a lethal amount in my possession. When Catcher escaped the foolish party, I caught him by sprinkling the potion on him, off with his head in the rye.

After that, there were five adventurers left.

Icarus could have met his death quite painlessly. An apoda creature of him refused to land within the rope. I had, of course, to choose my time for watching him alone very carefully, but everything was successful finally.
According to my plan I should shortly need an agent. I selected Armstrong for that part. He was a gullible sort of man, I once dealt with him for a time and it was inconceivable to him that a little girl like me should actually be a murderer! All his suspicions were directed against Icarus and I pretend to concur in these. I hinted to him that I had a scheme by which it might be possible to trap the murderer into incriminating himself.
Though a search had been made among the camp, no search had as yet been made of the animals themselves. But that was bound to come soon.
It was then that I intimated to Armstrong that we must carry out a plan into effect. It was simply this – I must lock them together. That would perhaps rattle the murderer – at any rate once I was supposed to be dead I could move about the camp and spy upon the unknown murderer.
Armstrong was keen on the idea. We carried it out that evening. I taught Armstrong to tie the drunkards and addicts together with himself, then I get dressed and showed up as the criminal before Icarus, like the mysterious pierrot Peter Pan met. With suspicion had begun to set in Prisoner's mind at that time, at noon, he chose to sit away from others' escape plans, so I let the four go and killed the prisoner alone in an endless darkness in the cage, he didn't hear me approach.

Our group of gentlemen had fallen by half at some point.

In the confusion attending the rescuing of Prisoner after the four moved to an old-looking, western style building deep within the forest I slipped into Armstrong's room, under the bed as he agreed. At usual tea time in the afternoon I slipped my last love potion into his coffee when I was left alone with his own cup brought to his room by Blue Beard. Armstrong's mourning was not showy, but it was deep.

After that, there were three symbols of honesty left.

Immediately after this what I had already foreseen happened. Blue Beard witnessed the corpses after tea time and decided to do a rigorous search secretly for himself. I had safely hidden away myself out of the building, and had no more love potion in my possession.
I had a rendezvous with Blue Beard outside the building. Strictly speaking, I noticed him putting his hypnotics into others' drinks, so I just followed to mix theirs all together, while he kept his merely a couple of eyes on the other two. In no need for his little magic key, I broke into his room with hammer, not afraid of waking anyone up, took him up a little way behind the building on the edge of the forest. It was quite easy. A strong vigorous nail sent him off his completeness and a fresh doll to the forest.
Darkness there, over the doll’s face he offered me in return, and nothing more. The peaceful today - sometimes so cruel... The darkness that dragged you down to its depth. Nailed... Found nailed soon... Nailed in terror...nailed - nailed - nailed...
No, I wouldn't remember... I would not think of it!
All that was over...

After that, there were two incorruptibles left.

You were way too spineless. You must die.
Don't you understand the saying that honesty doesn't pay?
Don't you think your sharpened sense from long ago has dulled with such a period of life in seclusion?
Don't you miss the prosperity of towns, the fortune and joy?
I, merely want to reproduce our old days again, when we were still a group of thieves, acted as a mobile Japanese human zoo.
Upon finishing one job, I started preparing breakfast and waited for the dawn.
I ran out Blue Beard's last drugs, then I went upstairs and laid myself out again under Armstrong's bed, and now came the moment that I had anticipated. Song Yu was drugged and see my weapon. Lay Song Yu...
From my window I saw Icarus checked corpses inside and outside. A daring and pure bird man. I always thought this orphan was a match for me and more, once upon a time. As soon as that had happened I set the stage in his bedroom, put back the rope he used once and left outside.
It was an interesting psychological experiment. Would the consciousness of his own guilty, the state of nervous tension consequent on having just witnessed three fresh corpses - and felt nothing actually, be sufficient, together with the hypnotic suggestion of the surroundings, to cause him to take his own life? I thought it would. Some people thought so little of death that they actually took their own lives. I was right. Icarus hanged himself before my eyes where I stood in the shadow of the closet. This time, his feet didn't fall all the way down to the ground.
You're not a bird nor a fiend in 'uman form, you were our brother, but we showed a freak of you off together.

And then, there were never more a last rag left.

And now for the last stage. I came forward, picked up the chair and set it against the wall.
And now?
I shall finish writing this. I shall enclose it and seal it in a capsule of Urashima prepared for my most beautiful jewel and I shall bury the capsule under the forest.
Yes, why?
Why is a raven like a writing-desk?
It was never my ambition to invent, a murder mystery that no one could solve.
But no artist, I now realize, can be satisfied with artwork left alone. There is a natural craving for recognition which cannot be gainsaid.
I have, let me confess it in all humility, a pitiful joker wish that someone should know just how brave I have been... The blessed relief when you know that you've done with it all - that you haven't got to carry the burden any longer... I think I could be glad. I'm mad.
Madness is the emergency exit... I can just step outside, and close the cave on all those dreadful things that happened. I can lock them away...forever.
After burying my jewel inside the forest I shall go out of this area and find a way towards the sea. What I think will happen is this.
Once I get to an island - I can't go any farther...I'd have come to the end of things...
I would know, suddenly, that I don't want to leave the island. For there the speech of the women is like birdsong, because the hearts of them are light as the souls of birds, and the swaying of the sleeves of the maidens at play seems a flutter of wide, soft wings.
When the festival ends, there will come from this hell yokai and men. For example, a miko passed by and saw a little lunatic at large walking from the forest.
And they will find six dead bodies and a generally flat problem in this paradise.


There was a HOLE here. It's gone now.
Main References:
Πολιτεία, Πλάτων, 380 BC
The Raven, Edgar Allan Poe, 1845 AD
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865 AD
The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, Mark Twain, 1899 AD
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, 小泉八雲, 1904 AD
Ten Little Indians, Agatha Christie, 1939 AD
The Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger, 1951 AD
Batman: The Killing Joke, Alan Moore&Brian Bolland&John Higgins, 1988 AD
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams, Konami, 2001 AD
後巷説百物語, 京極夏彦, 2003 AD
[email protected]



Oh no, japanese plz. Japanese plz. Ababababa.
But, maybe you failed to give some references in this SS.
For one thing, you must give proper attribution when you quote the name of Peter Pan. Sir James Matthew Barrie is, right?
I love Barrie. And I feel sad and it's a little disrespect. So, I take off 10 points from your points. Very sorry.

>2 It's necessary for this piece of work to be written in English, this time I don't care how many guys can read this series of SS on their own until the end.
>4 Main references include the works where I directly got some common words from, it's sorry that I chose to use no more words from The Little White Bird and so on, for I need to highlight a particular ability differs with other curiosities.